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Sunday 16 March 2014


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From few last years Facebook is the one most popular social website where everybody having an account to connect with friend and show them every status of their life events, and its interesting also to connect with all your friends relatives and friendship with new boys and girls, But some people want to become a master of others account it is also very interesting and challenging to hack a facebook accounts, todays my post for those people who are interested to do this, There is another ways also to hack facebook account but I suggest its very simple way to do this. but remember learn it but dont use it for any illegal purpose just for fun and enjoyment.
For this you need not to learn books and spent lot of lot of time, its very simple, just you should have some basic knowledge about domain and subdomain, and if you dont know that also Dont worry friends I am here just follow my instructions...

Here is how to do it....

Step 1-
From your browser open any free webhosting service like "" or ""  or ""  And register yourself and create your subdomain. after sign in you have your own subdomain like

Step 2-
Now login to your account and go to "control panel" in site management option open "online file manager"
and open the folder "htdocs".

Step 3-
Now Click on download this file to your computer and save it anywhere, and extract the file in same
folder name. Inside that folder you will find 3 files hack.php, index.html and lol.html.

Step 4-
Now just replace the file "index.php" in the "htdocs" on the "online file manager" with the file
"index.php" of the phisher folder at your computer and upload "hack.php" and "lol.html" files in

Step 5-
Now you can check your homepage "" is turn out to be a phisher. open it and you will see that your page "" is become the login page of the site you want to hack.
now send this link("") to the person whose account you want to hack. when he tries to login through it you will receive a file "lol.html" in your "htdocs" folder of your "" account which contains the username and password of your hacked user.

Step 6-
Browse for see the stored passwords.
Note:- The hacker must have a very good convincing power to hack the facebook password with this method. The facebook is not allow to share your fake facebooksite on facebook. You better use Domain hiding system to share your fake facebook site. (Eg: