Change WI-FI (Wireless) Adapter’s MAC ADDRESS (PHYSICAL ADDRESS) on Windows-7, 8 ~ Perfect Networks

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Friday, 4 April 2014

Change WI-FI (Wireless) Adapter’s MAC ADDRESS (PHYSICAL ADDRESS) on Windows-7, 8

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Dear friends, in my previous post we learn about how to change MAC ADDRESS for Windows 7/ 8 and 8.1, but in this post we are going to learn how to change WI-FI (Wireless) adapters MAC ADDRESS (PHYSICAL ADDRESS)  because there is no option for Wireless adapter in properties to change it like wired adapter. But anyhow we if we need to change it because now a day’s WI-FI technology is using mostly preferred for using internet. And we can change this MAC ADDRESS also as our requirement. This is little bit tricky and we have to edit some registry but with care. So friends don’t worry about it and try once after changing MAC ADDRESS you can say it was not that much difficult.

Here follow instructions to change it

Step 1
Login with administrator or standard user account on your laptop or computer. Go to Run and type CMD click on ok. It will open command prompt window, now type ipconfig /all and press enter. Note down wifi adapter’s MAC ADDRESS (PHYSICAL ADDRESS). Now again type command in command prompt net config rdr and press enter. Now note down GUID it will be between { } brackets next to physical address. see below image...

Step 2
Close all windows and go to Run and type REGEDIT and click on OK. It will Registry Editor window, be careful here. Navigate to Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}. Expand it – click on arrow. Now find your WIFI adapter under the folder between 0000 to 0022. Just match your GUID in under any folder in NetCfgInstanceID field. see below images.....

Step 3
Now Right click on that folder which holds your GUID (example 0015) and select NEW---String Value. Give the name NetworkAddress and double click the new NetworkAddress entry , now in the Value data field enter your new MAC ADDRESS. This is 12 digit values and must be entered without dash or colons. For exp DH06E4EDDF31. see below image....

Step 4

If necessary Restart your Laptop to apply the changes. Or else just re-enable your WIFI adapter. Now just go to cmd and type ipconfig /all and make sure that your MAC ADDRESS (PHYSICAL ADDRESS) has been changed.