Hello friends, today’s my topic about blocking unnecessary websites which will help to us opening unwanted or harmful websites. Everyone loves browsing, because there is so many websites related enjoyment, information, entertainment for all age’s people by browsing we can gain more knowledge about anything. But some websites are not made for this type of valuable things, they throw away our time only. And some websites contains viruses which is harmful for our PC. Sometime by mistake we click on some harmful link and it will open unwanted webpage, like ads, adults related, by using this trick we can block unwanted websites. Here i am going to show you how to block any website only for your PC.
Follow these steps
Step 1
You need to login with Administrator or standard user
account on your Computer. Now check any website which you want to block it is
opening correctly.
Step 2
Here i am taking website www.yahoo.com as a example. First check it is working fine.
Step 3
Open your computer’s System
drive – this is your windows drive by default it will be C:\ drive. Now
navigate to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc
, here you can see a file named hosts.
Step 4
This hosts is
play very important role for blocking website. Right click on it and select open
with from context menu then select application Notepad.
Step 5
It will open this file in notepad. Go to the end of this
file and type www.yahoo.com. You
can block many websites here by typing their address in next line. see image below...
Step 6
Now save the file and close all windows. Open any Browser
and type www.yahoo.com then press enter and make sure this website is not
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